There are several examples included with this distribution. They are located in the examples sub-directory where you installed Simkin.
You can use this to run the following example scripts:
To run this, change to the examples\simple directory and type:
java simkin.examples.scriptloader.Scriptloader Simple.xml
To run this, change to the examples\fieldaccess directory and type:
java simkin.examples.scriptloader.Scriptloader FieldAccess.xml
To run this, change to the examples\enumerate directory and type:
java simkin.examples.scriptloader.Scriptloader Enumerate.xml
This example uses Dialog.xml to describe the dialog.
To run the example, change to the examples\dialog directory and type:
java simkin.examples.dialog.ScriptedDialog Dialog.xml
Other files in this example are:
To run the example, change to the examples\inherits directory and type:
java simkin.examples.inherits.Inherits child.xml
To run the example, change to the examples\dynamic_treenode directory and type:
java simkin.examples.dynamic_treenode.DynamicTreeNode
You will need to configure your Java application server to run the servlet and set up the URL's in the form appropriately.