Package simkin

This package contains the Simkin interpreter and base classes.


Interface Summary
Executable This interface is implemented by objects which want to override the method and field access which uses Java introspection by default.
ExecutableIterator This interface is implemented by objects can iterate over Executable objects.
StatementStepper This interface is implemented by objects which are called by the Interpreter when statements are executed
TraceCallback This interface is implemented by objects which provide a tracing facility.

Class Summary
ExecutableContext This class stores info about the current execution context - such the name of the current script and the line number being executed.
ExecutableRoot This class provides an implementation of the Executable interface which can be conveniently extended
ExecuteResult This class is used by the Interpreter to return the result of an execute() method.
Interpreter This class represents the Simkin interpreter.
JavaCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
Null This class is used to instantiate a single instance of the "null" object within the Interpreter
ParseNode ParseNode - this class is the base class for nodes in the parse tree
ScriptedExecutable This class is a base class for objects which store data and Simkin code in an associated TreeNode file
SimkinXMLElement This class is used to create additional XML elements that are added to an XML document
StackFrame This class stores information about the where the current script is executing.
Token Describes the input token stream.
Tracer This class provides an interface to System.out.println
TreeNode This class encapsulates a single node in a tree
TreeNodeEnumerator This class enumerates the elements in a TreeNode
TreeNodeIterator This class provides a means of iterating over the children of a TreeNode
TreeNodeObject This class provides and Executable interface to a TreeNode
TreeNodeObjectEnumerator This class enumerates the elements in an TreeNodeObject
TreeNodeReader This class is a parser for TreeNode text and binary files
Utils This class provides useful functions to the Simkin library
XMLElementObject This object is a container for an XML element, and exposes an interface to it to Simkin The class implements methods from the Executable interface.
XMLElementObjectEnumerator This class enumerates the elements in an XMLElementObject
XMLExecutable This class is a base class for objects which store their data and methods in an XML document

Exception Summary
FieldNotSupportedException This class is thrown to indicate that a field is not supported.
MethodNotSupportedException This class is thrown to indicate that a method is not supported.
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.

Error Summary

Package simkin Description

This package contains the Simkin interpreter and base classes.